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Creating and Managing a World Class Investor Relations in Difficult Times
A unique seminar was held by Mark Hynes - the leading expert in international IR and corporate disclosure at the Institute for the Development of Financial Markets (IRFR)
IRFR held as yet another unique IR educational event in Moscow. The seminar was led by Mark Hynes, a word known IR and corporate disclosure expert, a Board member of the IR Society (UK), a member of the FSA and CESR committees.
 During the event Mark shared his IR experience in fund rising during difficult economic conditions and severe competition; highlighting the importance of a role of an investor relations officer in a public company.
The master-class attracted a high number of prominent participants; among them were Mikhail Matovnikov (Interfax), Neil Withers (Moscow IR expert and former SVP VTB), Olga Rink (NDC ) Chris Gilbert (RBCC), and Alexandr Bykov (PR Newswire). 
The master class was organized by the Institute for the Development of Financial Markets – exclusive representative of the Investor Relations Society (UK) in Russia and CIS. One of the most important directions of the activity of the Institute is to provide a full range of high quality consultancy for financial communications, training and certification for investor relations officers.
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The event was supported by the British Embassy in Moscow, and PR Newswire.

Wednesday 3 February, at 18:00 in the British Embassy

Institute for the Development of Financial Markets became a media partner of the the event organized by the Club KIFIR and PR Newswire, in partnership with Petropavlovsk PLC and the British Embassy in Moscow. This event will focus on the preparedness of Russian Companies to take on the investment opportunities from the UK and other countries, considering the expectations, the standards and the aims of investors.

The Institute for the Development of Financial Markets (IRFR) was established with the motivating purpose of training highly-skilled experts to meet the current state-of-the-art requirements of the international financial marketplace.

25 September 2009

The second All-Russian Investor Relations Forum ( organized by the Institute for the Development of Financial Markets took place in Moscow on 25 September 2009.

The event was attended by more than 100 participants and demonstrated the continued strong professional interest of the Russian IR community in the issues of Russian and international financial communications, and relations with investors.

The Forum also provided an opportunity for the prize-awarding ceremony "Thomson ReutersExtel Survey - Focus Russia 2009", performed by Thomson Reuters.


09 September 2009

Institute for the Development of Financial Markets took part in the event organized by the British Embassy Moscow in association with the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange (MICEX) on the occasion of the visit of the Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of London, Alderman Ian Luder, to Moscow. The Institute representatives had a chance to listen to the keynote speech from the Lord Mayor.




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