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Financial Literacy

Financial literacy

Are you interested in our new Financial Literacy project? That means you really want to learn to manage your finances. Proper personal finance management is the recipe for stable prosperity. However, there is a range of obstacles every freshman in the investment field faces.  

Let’s consider one pretty simple life situation. Imagine that you are completely unfamiliar with traffic rules but had no choice but to drive a car. You are in a very tricky situation then. How to drive at the intersection? What to do at the traffic lights? What are all these road signs warning you about? It’s very dangerous, indeed, to drive a car not knowing all of these rules. And at the same time something similar happens in many people’s lives. A modern-day person makes money transactions all the time, being constantly involved in the financial world, that is to say. And yet how many of us are aware of its rules? Only very few know at least the basics of personal finance management. And how do we obtain this knowledge, since we’re not taught it at school? This is exactly what we have launched our project for.

We will tell you:

· what investment is and how to invest your money right;

· how to start planning your pension savings so that the quality of life does not decline with retirement;

· how to save money toward important expenses: children’s education, purchase of an apartment or a house;

· how to effectively protect your financial interests;

· what the mutual funds are and how they function;

· how to trade shares in the financial market;

· how to effectively use bank clearing accounts, card accounts, deposit accounts, online banking and webmoney.

But we have to warn you: you will find no secret “overnight wealth” formulas here.

Our goal is to, first and foremost, increase the level of your financial literacy, help you solve those financial problems everyone encounters from time to time and, thus, prosper. Try to put to practice what you have learned, for, as Aeschylus said, the one knowing what is profitable, and not the man knowing many things, is wise.

Good luck in all your undertakings

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ИП Молчанова Т.В.
ИНН 701710326311
ОГРНИП 320774600034991
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