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The Institute for Development of Financial Markets (IRFR) was established with the motivating purpose of training highly-skilled experts to meet the current state-of-the-art requirements of the international financial marketplace.

The Institute's main activities include:

  • Organizing and holding public events, such as conferences, seminars, round tables, forums, and presentations;
  • Training students to successfully pass qualification exams, upgrading qualifications of working securities market experts, and holding professional seminars;
  • Organizing corporate courses and seminars both in Moscow and in Russia's regions.

Utilizing highly skilled tutors - who are actively engaged in the work of financial markets - in the training process facilitates effective qualitative training of market participants. 

Institute employees are a stable and experienced team - having successfully carried out more than a dozen large-scale projects, as well as having organized and held a large number of professional conferences, congresses and forums. The Institute's conferences have always been well attended by a large, varied and professional audience; these conferences have also received extensive coverage by leading Russian and foreign mass media. The Institute's organized events which include both Russian participants and foreign partners such as investors, representatives of major stock exchanges, state officials, and journalists, have made it possible to create a convenient meeting ground where representatives of Russian business and their foreign counterparts can get together for mutual cooperation.

The Institute for Development of Financial Markets (IRFR) is currently engaged in a number of exciting projects focused on advising a wide range of Russian companies on appropriate mechanisms and best-practice techniques for attracting investment. Among the long-term and multi-stage targets are:

  • Upgrading regional economic and investment policy;
  • Creating favorable long-term conditions for investing into the Russian economy as a whole;
  • Actively using financial market mechanisms to attract investment;
  • Organizing effective inter-regional economic cooperation.
Сопровождение проекта:
ИП Молчанова Т.В.
ИНН 701710326311
ОГРНИП 320774600034991
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